Kenapa ya, kalau kita lagi nggak enak sama teman, pacar, sahabat, orang tua, bos atau orang dewasa, bawaannya terasa sumpek. Senyum aja terasa berat. Jika demikian, coba deh deketin anak kecil atau bayi yang lagi lucu-lucunya. Biasanya spontanitas kita menjadi tersenyum. Bukankah ini seperti kesucian yang membawa kedamaian?
Sesuatu yang suci, putih, polos, bersih, akan membawa kedamaian. Jika kita mendekat dengan orang-orang yang bersih hatinya, hal itu juga akan membawa pengaruh buat jiwa kita. Karena mereka membawa energi positif yang stabil. Seperti besi, jika berada di sekitar medan magnet maka akan menjadi magnet. Susunan molekul elektron besi itu menjadi lebih terarah.
Buat apa hidup kalau nggak hidup jiwanya? Jiwa bisa mati meski secara fisik hidup. Jiwa butuh makanan juga. Makanan jiwa yaitu berupa dzikir, selalu ingat sama Allah Yang Maha Kuasa.
Di dunia ada yang paling suci, maha suci, yang akan mendatangkan kedamaian yaitu Allah swt. Kalau kita sedang suntuk kemudian mendekati bayi (yang masih suci jiwanya) bisa bikin kita tersenyum, apalagi kalau kita mendekati Yang Maha Suci yaitu Allah swt.
Mendekatkan diri terhadap Allah dengan cara meningkatkan ibadah, seperti dzikir, berdoa, dan lainnya. Masih ingat kan, apakah hakikat hidup di dunia? Ya, hanya untuk beribadah terhadap Allah swt.
Yuk, selalu semangat meningkatkan ibadah, mendekatkan diri dengan Allah, biar jiwa selalu damai.
Tulisan ini buat jiwa-jiwa yang selalu mencari kedamaian.
Chastity That Bring Peacefulness
Why if we don’t well as a friend, boyfriend, friends, parents, boss or adults, feel crowded default. Just smile droop. If so, try to approach a small child or baby is funny. Usually we spontaneity be smiling. Is not this like the sanctity bring peace?
Something pure, white, plain, clean, will bring peace. If we approach people with a clean heart, it also will take effect for our lives. Because they bring that positive energy is stable. Such as iron, when in the vicinity of the magnetic fields will be the magnet. Molecular order of the iron electrons become more effective.
What is the meaning of life if the soul does not have a life? The soul can die, even though the physical life. The soul also needs food. Food of the soul that is the form dzikir (repeatedly chant part of the confession of faith), always remember the God Almighty.
In the world have the most holy, holy omniscient, which will bring peace that is Allah. If we are too late and then approaching the baby (which is still pure soul) can make us smile, especially if we approach the Most Holy is Allah.
Juxtapose themselves against God's way of worship to increase, as dzikir, pray, and others. Are you remember, whether the fact of living in the world? Yes, only for the worship of Allah swt.
Let's go! Always increase the spirit of worship, juxtapose themselves with God, though always peaceful inhabitants.
This created the souls who are always seeking peace.
Buat apa hidup kalau nggak hidup jiwanya? Jiwa bisa mati meski secara fisik hidup. Jiwa butuh makanan juga. Makanan jiwa yaitu berupa dzikir, selalu ingat sama Allah Yang Maha Kuasa.
Di dunia ada yang paling suci, maha suci, yang akan mendatangkan kedamaian yaitu Allah swt. Kalau kita sedang suntuk kemudian mendekati bayi (yang masih suci jiwanya) bisa bikin kita tersenyum, apalagi kalau kita mendekati Yang Maha Suci yaitu Allah swt.
Mendekatkan diri terhadap Allah dengan cara meningkatkan ibadah, seperti dzikir, berdoa, dan lainnya. Masih ingat kan, apakah hakikat hidup di dunia? Ya, hanya untuk beribadah terhadap Allah swt.
Yuk, selalu semangat meningkatkan ibadah, mendekatkan diri dengan Allah, biar jiwa selalu damai.
Tulisan ini buat jiwa-jiwa yang selalu mencari kedamaian.
Chastity That Bring Peacefulness
Why if we don’t well as a friend, boyfriend, friends, parents, boss or adults, feel crowded default. Just smile droop. If so, try to approach a small child or baby is funny. Usually we spontaneity be smiling. Is not this like the sanctity bring peace?
Something pure, white, plain, clean, will bring peace. If we approach people with a clean heart, it also will take effect for our lives. Because they bring that positive energy is stable. Such as iron, when in the vicinity of the magnetic fields will be the magnet. Molecular order of the iron electrons become more effective.
What is the meaning of life if the soul does not have a life? The soul can die, even though the physical life. The soul also needs food. Food of the soul that is the form dzikir (repeatedly chant part of the confession of faith), always remember the God Almighty.
In the world have the most holy, holy omniscient, which will bring peace that is Allah. If we are too late and then approaching the baby (which is still pure soul) can make us smile, especially if we approach the Most Holy is Allah.
Juxtapose themselves against God's way of worship to increase, as dzikir, pray, and others. Are you remember, whether the fact of living in the world? Yes, only for the worship of Allah swt.
Let's go! Always increase the spirit of worship, juxtapose themselves with God, though always peaceful inhabitants.
This created the souls who are always seeking peace.
blogwalking here with this lovely smile :)
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